Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Preschool graduation! (Sigh)

Well...that's it for Pre-K. Scarlett's graduation ceremony was last week and it was so bittersweet as she "stepped up" to kindergarten. We all loved her class. We were so close with the students and her teachers. (And we've got our fingers crossed the Holden will get to have the same teachers next year!!) Here are some pictures from the celebration.
Here is a marking they did on the wall to show how much all the kids grew over the year. Scarlett's symbol is a flower - the black flower was where she started in September and the red flower was how tall she had gotten by the end of the year. It was just over 2 inches! (YOu can click the pictures to make them bigger.)
And here is Miss Judie presenting Scarlett with her medal (sob).

 And shaking her hand (double sob). Notice the big grin on Scarlett's face?!
 Goodbye, Miss Judie! We'll miss you tons!
 Here is Scarlett on her first day of Pre-K 4...
 And here she is on her last!
 Congratulations on your graduation, goose! You're about as cool of a kid as we could have ever hoped for! Muah!